
Friday, April 19, 2013

Fresh Perspective

Jaks was founded because, I (Brittany), needed a creative outlet. My whole life I have had a creative drive and I have felt recently that my creative desire was very prevalent, but an outlet did not exist. I have always had a passion for turning objects into something that they were not created to be. I remember as a small child making a guitar out of a tissue box and toilet paper rolls. I seem to have always looked at old objects and discovered ways to create new charm, and add to their already existing value. Recently, I have taken objects that others considered junk and transformed it into something new. For example, I created 3 new mirrors for my house with old saw blades and 6 inch round mirrors. So, at Jaks you will find old household objects with a new charm, and even vintage items that I think are cool. If you have an idea for something and don't know where to start pick my brain.

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